Research Articles 2009-2017
- Autogynephilia and the typology of male-to-female transsexualism: Concepts and controversies (2017)
- Male prison inmates with gender dysphoria: When is sex reassignment surgery appropriate? (2016)
- Gender dysphoria in adults (2016)
- Autogynephilia: An underappreciated paraphilia (2011)
- Societal individualism predicts prevalence of nonhomosexual orientation in male-to-female transsexualism (2010)
- Sexual orientation versus age of onset as bases for typologies (subtypes) of gender identity disorder in adolescents and adults (2010)
- Transgenderism in nonhomosexual males as a paraphilic phenomenon: Implications for case conceptualization and treatment (2009)
- Anatomic autoandrophilia in an adult male (2009)
- Erotic target location errors: An underappreciated paraphilic dimension (2009)
- Epidemiology of gender identity disorder (2009)