Welcome Visitors!
This website provides downloadable copies of my academic publications, including my 2013 book, Men Trapped in Men's Bodies: Narratives of Autogynephilic Transsexualism. There are also links to videos and podcasts in which I've participated and there will be occasional essays on topics related to gender dysphoria. Some of the ideas presented on this website are controversial. I hope to present additional controversial ideas as time and energy permit.

What's New
- Autogynephilia as Thought Crime (2024) Is autogynephilia a thought crime? Transgender critical author Helen Joyce seems to think so. Here are my reactions to what she said in a recent interview.
- Autogynephilia at 35 (2024) This essay considers the current status and significance of the concept of autogynephilia, which was introduced 35 years ago in 1989.
- Alex Byrne Writes about Anne Lawrence Here are a few excerpts from Byrne's book, Trouble with Gender (2024). I'm honored that he used a quote from my book Men Trapped in Men's Bodies to end his final chapter.
- Helen Joyce Writes about Anne Lawrence Joyce interviewed me for her book TRANS (2021). Here are a few excerpts, from back in the days when she still used female pronouns for me.